

Find your children book idea.

Book Idea

Tell the story of

the tragedy of Medusa and the Gorgons

taking place in a magical realm hidden from humans

narrated for

readers with a curiosity for ancient legends

. Think about adding nuances of

the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice

to the story

. Add an element of

discovering a hidden identity

to the protagonist's biography.

And make the protagonists best friend help

learn that the true quest is internal self-discovery


Call the protagonist


and give the super power of

Psychic Symbiosis, forming mental bonds with others


Add a god named


who acts like a father to the protagonist and helps defeat


the main enemy in the story.

The protagonist best friend is


who is gifted with

Gravitokinesis - manipulation of gravitational forces

and shares the same childhood experience as the protagonist -

encountering a dangerous wild animal


How it works

  1. Every time you reload the page you get a new story draft.

  2. Copy draft text and paste into ChatGPT.

  3. Now, you have a full abstract of your story. Don't like it? Repeat the process.

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